NYE: What I’ll be wearing

holiday, night out, outfits, winter

  1. Melissa says:

    This is fabulous! Those pants are a stellar impulse buy.

  2. Lauren Elise says:

    Hey there! Love your blog and nominated you for a Liebster Award!
    Laure Elise


  3. Elizabeth says:

    LOVE the pants! I wore pants on NYE too – it was so cold!

  4. […] not even mad about it). I think its fun to wear them with unexpected items (HERE) or head to toe (HERE). Because why not?  I would definitely rather stand out in my outfits then blend in. How about […]

  5. […] a polka dot dream /// Lauren Conrad feature /// head to toe sequins  […]

  6. […] much as I love the glitz and glam of every sequined dress out there (not one to shy away from sequins if you remember this) , this year I opted to focus on pieces that could work all year round. I actually purchased this […]

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