Sparkles, Scarves & a Canadian Tuxedo

casual, outfits, winter

  1. Marlen says:

    awww your mom is SO awesome for buying you those as a gift!! i think it’s so adorable that the laces are ribbons- can we get anymore feminine?! and the canadian tuxedo also totally works here, haha 😉

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

  2. Amanda says:

    The KS for Keds are amazing!! Definitely an amazing gift to open up on Christmas morning!

  3. Love this look and those shoes are adorable!!! They played with your other accessories so well!

    km (foggy daydreams)

  4. cassidylou says:

    thanks ladies! these shoes are definitely the bomb!

  5. Katie says:

    Oh I just love your shoes! What a fun way to dress up denim on denim. And your scarf looks so cozy! 🙂

  6. […] versatile. I really haven’t found anything I couldn’t wear a chambray with. See here, here, here, here, here, here (you get the picture). Today I’m linking up with Walking in Memphis […]

  7. […] up with Lauren from Fizz & Frosting for Mix it Mondays. These shoes were last seen HERE & the top was last seen […]

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