the most embarrassing thing that has EVER happened to me..

casual, outfits, style, summer

  1. Joanne says:

    Your dad’s right! You shouldn’t worry about what happened. Though I did laugh when I read your post, I’m sure I would have made the same mistake!
    An embarrassing moment I can remember happened a long time ago back in elementary school. People were coming in from lunch break so the halls and stairs were packed with students. My *amazing* backpack spontaneously rips (or the pocket unzipped) and my stash of pads fell out and onto the stairs… I was so embarrassed that I quickly stuffed them back into my bag and ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I laugh when I think about it now hahaa

  2. Niki says:

    Ohhhh noooo! That’s got to be the most embarrassing thing ever! And then having to check her out too! I feel for you! On a brighter note, I love this outfit! That skirt is gorg!!

  3. Lauren says:

    Oh no! How horrifying! You really do look gorgeous in this outfit though! 😉

  4. Love this outfit so much, and that shade of blue is stunning on you!!!

  5. Cydney says:

    Your dad is right! That’s a mistake you’ll only make once…after doing the exact same thing, I vowed to NEVER, EVER guess! 😀

  6. Jackie says:

    AHHHHH That’s so awkward!! I really can’t ever tell when someone is pregnant unless it’s SUPER obvious!! OMG.

    Honestly though, there is a time someone thought I was pregnant and I was MORTIFIED. I was bloated, and it was an elderly, foreign man, so I know he didn’t want to upset me, but just UGH.

    Loving the outfit, by the way. The skirt looks WAY nicer on you than it does on the ON site.

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

    • madelinewp says:

      Thanks girl! Yeah, the website picture definitely doesn’t do the skirt justice. It’s a beautiful color in person. I got a ton of compliments on that outfit when I wore it the other day! Hope you had a great weekend 🙂

  7. Lauren R says:

    Haha oh that story is amazing! Gotta love awkward conversations while working retail!
    Also, I love that skirt on you!! I’m loving these bright, cobalt blues that are happening right now, and you rock that color!!!


  8. Karrie Smith says:

    That’s nothing. That’s called foot-in-mouth, and I used to do it all the time. If that’s your most embarrassing thing, then you are pretty lucky! A few off the top of my head are: falling on my ass in mid-sentence talking to my band teacher. He just shook his head-he was a very intimidating guy that looked like Lurch. Um, I was reading something out loud, and the guy I liked came in but we weren’t a couple yet and I misread the word and said something about sex. That was like a year ago. I’ve gotten into STUPID fender benders. Like the time I had a buick with 2 doors, and my sister kicked the seat (yeah, the seats STILL went up in drive) and I thought I put the car in park and turned around to smack her and rolled into an old grandma. Instead of being apologetic I was raging at my sister. I’m glad to report there was no damage to the car, and we made up later that day. Or the time, my friend and I went into a video store to apply for jobs (yeah in the 90s), and I started laughing really hard and had to run out of there. I ran into the glass wall, thinking i was running out the door. I hit my forehead so hard, I fell on my ass. Next time, instead of asking about the bump, ask if she has any kids. Moms don’t mind that question, don’t automatically assume you are talking about their pouch, and you give them the control to talk about their body. If they aren’t a Mom, they will just say No. 8/10 times, they are prob a Mom if they look like it. Otherwise it may be a person that just lost a few pounds, but their skin hasn’t shrank up tightly yet. But honestly, by the pant range, it isn’t an odd question 🙂 But your Dad is right. You will never assume again 🙂

    • Karrie Smith says:

      oh, and after I ran out of the video store? I half peed my pants and ran to the back of the complex to finish the job. It was my BFF, but still. That was still in HS!! She could have gotten mad at me, and EVERYone may have found out!

  9. […] less important), here are my 15 favorite writing focused posts; dealing with everything from my most embarrassing moment, to figuring out what the heck I should do with my […]

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