are you buying clothes you really don’t like? (I used to!) & how to avoid it

casual, outfits, style, summer

  1. Elizabeth says:

    This is amazing advice! I have been really trying to limit what I am spending on clothes, and selling a lot of unused stuff on ebay (which is giving me extra cash – so win/win)!

  2. Emily says:

    Hi! I just want to say what a gray job you are doing with this blog and the info/advice on here. I can’t wait to catch up soon! Also, I bought those sandals after seeing them I your blog – I haven’t work them yet, but plan to this week at a convention I’m attending, and I’ve thought of at least 2 other outfits is wear them with 😉 great job, Mads, keep it up!

  3. Nikki says:

    Great tips! I try to leave whatever it is that I am wanting, and if I am still really thinking about it and wanting it a day or two later, then I pull the trigger. I love that you are keeping a log of your purchases. That is a great idea!


  4. Jackie says:

    These are fabulous tips! I know all of these things, but for some reason, I still find myself buying things I don’t need and regretting it later. I find that I go a bit nuts at the beginning of the season, but then I settle down a bit, once I get that out of my system. It’s definitely something to work on.

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  5. Julie says:

    That is great advice! I am definitely guilty of buying items that were super cheap on sale just because they were a good buy. And then it seems like I never end up wearing them!

  6. […] how to avoid buying clothes you don’t like […]

  7. […] is not the first romper I’ve ruined by throwing it in the wash. I made the mistake of washing my silk J.Crew romper years ago- luckily it didn’t shrink, it just ruined the lovely feeling of silk (but I still […]

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