June Budget Recap (I succeeded guys!)

budget recap

  1. Julie says:

    I think you did a great job with that budget! I love just about everything you got! Especially those sandals. So cute!

  2. Nikki says:

    You did a great job sticking to your budget AND you got some awesome pieces! Now you need to take the little bit you have left to carry over to July!


  3. You got some great stuff! Love the dress, crop top, and sandals, and that bralette is super pretty!

  4. Amy says:

    I try and set limits for my self too! But ever since I discovered selling things on ebay, I think my budget finds excuses to spend a little more . I think you did great for your budget , totally scored some great pieces. That dress is too cute!!!

    If you get a sec, I would love to get your thoughts on my latest


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