The perfect pair of summer shorts have been found! (for under $25!)

casual, outfits, style, summer

  1. Chelsea Gerken says:

    LOVE THESE!! I am going to look them up now!

  2. Kallie says:

    Great shorts! I bought a fun pair like this earlier this spring and have been loving them!

  3. Nikki says:

    I am a shorts hater (other than like workout shorts). They are so unattractive on me. These shorts are adorable!! Now you make me want to try some New York and Co pairs! I love this pattern!


  4. those shorts are too cute! also loving that necklace 🙂

  5. […] I actually had a revelation about shorts in general this summer (you can read that here). […]

  6. […] written about it before (here), but I find as I get older, shorts shopping is more difficult. I want my body parts covered, but […]

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