The top reasons why I’m a bad fashion blogger

casual, night out, outfits, style, summer

  1. CARISA says:

    #Mylife you nailed it. This is exactly how i feel lol. Also who has time to perfectly stage their instagram photos anyways lol!!

  2. Kristina says:

    Ha exactly, especially the bribing 😉

    Kristina does the Internets

  3. Leslie says:

    I totally wrote a post like this a couple of months ago! I can so relate to these reasons, you’re not alone! I definitely don’t get the obsession with macaroons and I also bribe my mom, sister, boyfriend, etc. to take my pics. Good to know someone else is struggling through this fashion blog world with me!


  4. Hahaha, love it! I completely relate. Someone once said that I wear my sunglasses too often and were outdated. Well, sorry, but I spend $7 on them from Target (since I tend to lose them) and I wear them when I take pictures outside because it’s SUNNY!

    Real life, people. We live it.

  5. Lindsay says:

    LOVE IT! this made me LOL and so many are true for me too, especially re-wearing outfits and not wearing eye makeup. If I have to take pictures when it’s cloudy out on the weekends I will either a) wait until it’s sunny so i can wear sunnies or b) try again another day!

    xo Lindsay

  6. Nikki says:

    I am totally in agreement with all of these, except the jewelry one. I am a total junkie and I can’t help it. Oh and the hair brush one too. Curly hair + hairbrush = really bad. BUt you look adorable in this outfit! Love the skirt!


  7. haley says:

    This made me laugh so hard! I HATE wearing bracelets, they clank all day on my glass desk. Also lol to staged food photos. I suck at them.

    Colour Me Classic

  8. haha, yep! This is exactly how I feel, most of the time. Especially about Instagram… I mean, my coffee table does NOT look like that… and I feel ya with bracelets too. I wear them, but as soon as I get to work, they come off and sit next to me all day!

    Fun post!


  9. Jackie says:

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA You just basically nailed it on all accounts!!

    Like, I TRY to get those perfect Insta shots, but I just don’t have that much light, nor do I have a pretty desk. I write my blog posts on my bed most of the time!

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  10. Niki says:

    Haha I am the same in pretty much every respect! Also, I don’t even have the excuse of losing my hairbrush – some days I just don’t brush my hair. Is that awful?! 😉

  11. […] 8 reasons I’m a bad fashion blogger […]

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