These shoes were really cool until…

casual, outfits, style, summer

  1. Colleen says:

    I would totally go for those shoeties too, so thanks for the heads up. I’d think they should accept the return no matter what considering the footwear actually injured you. Love the whole outfit, btw.

  2. nicole s. says:

    i’m so sad those shoes cut your feet up! they are cute, but definitely not worth the pain! i bet they’ll take ’em back. (if not, cut ’em with the zippers! jk!)

  3. Leslie says:

    I love this look! I hate that the shoes didn’t work out, they are SO cute! Don’t you hate when that happens?

  4. Oh what a bummer about those booties, they’re adorable! Hopefully you’ll get your money back to spend on something safer for your toes 🙂

  5. Kristina says:

    Ouch, poor toes! If they don’t take them back, you could always pre-bandaid those toes, I maaaaaay have done that before for some of my shoes 😉

    Kristina does the Internets

  6. Kate says:

    They are so amazing. It’s actually really sad that they cut your feet and no it’s not bad, I’ve done the same thing. All in the name of fashion!

  7. Niki says:

    I am obsessed with those shoes! Love the tee, too!

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