Do you ever feel stuck?

autumn, Leopard, night out, outfits, personal, style

  1. nicole s. says:

    what you’re feeling is totally normal on all levels. my last semester, i pretty much stopped going to class as much as possible, and instead spent that time applying for jobs, polishing my resume, and meeting with my mentors to feel as prepared for the real world as possible. my blog, which was still super new at the time, definitely suffered until i was out of school. i think since i started following you this summer, i didn’t realize you were in school still, but that’s awesome that you’re able to blog as much as you do on top of school. i wasn’t and still am not one of those people who misses school, but i also don’t have grad school in my sights. for me, it was about finding a balance between doing what i “had” to do, and doing what i felt would really make the most of my time in the long run.

    wow long comment. anyway, if you ever need a sounding board or want to talk post-grad stuff, i’m around!

    xo nicole

  2. Niki says:

    I can understand where you’re coming from. I work full time and I’m getting my MBA at night, and sometimes I get upset because I just don’t feel like I have the time to really put a lot of energy into blogging and my blog is suffering because of it. That’s great that you are in your final semester though! No homework after this!!

  3. It’s totally normal to feel the way you do. I was so over school the last semester of my undergraduate program. I took about a year off of school and found myself missing it about 6 months in. I finally made th e plunget and enrolled in graduate school. I was so enthralled for about a year and began to completely lose interest. I’m grateful I finished my master’s program but so relieved to have school behind me. I’ve been finished for over a year now and haven’t even considered the thought of going back. Maybe on 5-10 years but right now I’m loving life with no homework. Keep your head up, you’ll get through it!!

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