Fool proof ways to blend in with Southern girls (+ why I never will)

adventures, autumn, casual, family, outfits, style

  1. This post made me LOL. It’s so true. Us Midwestern girls tend to stick out like sore thumbs when in the south. ;]
    You look super cute!

  2. Lauren says:

    Haha this made me laugh! Where I went I school in Utah, we just wore a tshirt, jeans and boots (maybe a cute scarf or hat if it was cold enough). I guess I need to step it up since I now love in the south haha!!


  3. Love this because it is so true! nailed it!

  4. Kristina says:

    Ha, this is too funny. My sister in law goes to college in the south and all she talks about are all of the style “needs”, most notably the Jack Rogers. I would have only passed with the crossbody too 😉

    Kristina does the Internets

  5. janice says:

    Your right! You’ll never be mistaken for a G.R.I.T.S.! But ya’ll beat us fair and square! Go Cocks!

  6. Jackie says:

    HAHAHA this post is hilarious! I’m from Toronto, so clearly, NOT southern, so I’ve noticed these things when I’ve gone down south too. Way too funny!

    Southerners, what do you think of us up here? 🙂

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  7. Connie says:

    Hi Cassidy, love your blog. Just wanted to say that I live in South Carolina, and use to go to USC. You look beautiful. No need to try to fit in, just be yourself. We Southern girls can’t fit in up north either…and most of us know better than to try LOL!

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