I must be doing something right!

autumn, casual, night out, outfits, personal, style

  1. Yes yes yes! I think there are times that every blogger has doubts, compares themselves to another blogger, or thinks they are doing everything wrong. I’m guilty. I completely agree with not comparing your beginning with someone else’s middle. It’s so true but hard to think 100% of the time. You are definitely doing something right girl! I saw your picture on the Trend Spin link up and there is a reason why you keep getting featured. Keep your head up and keep being great!

  2. Jess says:

    THose are some seriously looking sexy booties, Love the sheer part! I also love the gingham with the blue mini skirt. Love how you dressed up the outfit with the boots
    from the link up,

    please stop by jess


  3. Robyn says:

    Love your plaid shirt! Its such a cute shirt to pair with that skirt 🙂


  4. sarah says:

    i struggle with it all the time. i want to start a blog but don’t feel like i’m good enough or have the style for it. love yours though! recently started following and glad i did!

  5. love the gingham, and those booties are fab!

  6. […] mixed prints downtown /// “dressy” overalls /// a killer Rent the Runway look […]

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