how do YOU market yourself?


  1. carisa says:

    love blog business cards!!! you should talk to kristen at everythings always sunny about blog design, she does a great job!!! 🙂

  2. Lauren says:

    Thank you for sharing this website!! I’ve been needing to make business cards, so this is perfect!!


  3. Megan says:

    The more I talk to fellow bloggers the more it’s become painfully obvious that I need business cards as well… not sure where to start but that website is a great tool, that I will most definitely look into!

    Thanks for sharing, girl!

  4. Kate says:

    I love this idea! I don’t have business cards yet, but I hadn’t really thought of them either! Just another fun thing for me to design!!

  5. Where are these flats from? They are so cute!

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