Productivity, who needs it? (oh wait, WE ALL DO!)

personal, productivity

  1. Suzy says:

    You are so funny Maddy!! Those are very useful tips

  2. Kate says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more! I am FINALLY at the end of my second week of midterms and I am more than ready to stop writing papers and stuffing my face into textbooks. I am really excited to be in my final year, but it is just so hard to have any sort of social life during midterm time! Love your tips though! I follow almost all of them and I agree, having a plan and giving yourself some things to look forward to are great ideas!! Good luck!

    • madelinewp says:

      Thank you, haha good luck to you too. It’s funny that I wrote that post when I have zero motivation right now myself. Although I have been following my tips!

  3. Megan says:

    Girl, this list is preaching to the choir! This is my productivity must-have list to a T!
    Keep it up! Maintaining these habits early on will help later in life when all you do is wish you could go back to JUST having homework 🙂


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