bloopers bloopers bloopers! (+ a snow day)

bloopers, style

  1. Megan says:

    Ha! I actually really like the one of you sitting by the fountain 🙂

  2. Your bloopers are so cute! I had a terribly unflattering one today when the wind blew in my face–my hair went everywhere, and I made a pretty awful face since the wind was so cold! Ah, the joys of blogging.

  3. Jackie says:

    BAHAHA I love blooper posts! I’ve only done this once before, but I’m collecting many, many worthy photos for a post like that.

    And EW to all of this snow!! It just seems too soon, right?!

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  4. Sara Sullivan says:

    The one by the fountain is so not a blooper! It looks like it could be in the pages of a fashion magazine highlighting the leopard clutch as a new release for the newest hot designer!

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