earn cash back for shopping online (THIS IS NOT A JOKE!)


  1. Jackie says:

    I’ve seen commercials for Ebates before, but I haven’t signed up because it seemed like a bit of a scam…too good to be true?

    I’m not doing any shopping today, but I am going to check it out for myself.

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  2. Jami says:

    I use Ebates. It is pretty awesome. Every quarter I get a check. Not a scam at all! You need to download their browser ad on. It puts a little E next to your address bar. This way you can tell if the website you are on offers an Ebate deal and automatically link to your ebates account that way.

  3. […] My mom and I have been using it for almost 2 years and you make a percentage back in cash each purchase & they pay you via PayPal quarterly. (this isn’t sponsored, I just really like it) For more info check out my complete post about it HERE. […]

  4. […] as I’ve been using it for 2 years now. If you’re curious about how it works – you can visit my entire post HERE, but essentially you visit the eBates website first, search for the site you want to shop on, and […]

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