Why is body confidence so hard to have?


  1. Abby Rieker says:

    Mads, this was awesome. Thanks for the pep talk. Every girl needs one of these! You Rock!

  2. Body confidence is something I’ve struggled with for a long time, so I can definitely relate to this post. You’re so right that if we treated friends like we treat ourselves…we’d be pretty lonely.
    WIshing you the best of luck in your quest for a graduation dress. I’m sure you’ll look beautiful no matter what!

  3. Such a great post! It’s so true yet so bad. We all do it. I’m happy to see that you’re putting in an effort to change that, I should probably do the same. 🙂

    Congratulations college graduate! Ahh the feeling!

    Steph – Signing Steph

  4. Jackie says:

    First of all – CONGRATULATIONS!!! It’s so exciting to graduate…and also totally scary!

    This is a great post and I’m going to check out the article now. I’m guilty of being way too critical of myself. I have no idea why I’m so negative, but there’s something engrained in my mind that I just can’t shake.

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

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