Would you fall in love with me?

love, personal, winter

  1. Sarah says:

    I read this survey/report/article and thought it was SO interesting! I kinda want to use it as a pick up line!

  2. I loved this post! I hadn’t heard of it (live under a rock much?) but I found it so interesting and kind of like I want to test it out on someone! I liked your answers too and agree with you about a few of them, especially the fame one. I agree it would be tiresome to be photographed constantly but I would like some of the benefits that fame brings.

    xx Nina

    p.s. LOVE that “adult” tutu

  3. Corley says:

    I loved that article! And I love the idea to answer some of the questions on your blog – what a great way for us to get to know you 🙂

  4. […] this fascinating article about an experiment in making two strangers fall in love. So when I saw Cassidy Lou‘s post answering the questions from the experiment, I decided to crib her idea and answer […]

  5. rachel says:

    love this post! i also read hallie’s post and thought it was so cute and inspiring! xo


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