fashion advice from my 18 year old self

bloopers, personal

  1. Alie says:

    STOP. Best post yet. I vote childhood photos for the next #TBT

  2. Kate Lately says:

    This is hilarious!! I was actually looking at pictures back from when I was 14 the other day and it’s just so sad!! In 8 years I’ve learned so much, haha. I love your hair in the first picture though!! It’s beautiful!!

  3. puffybudder says:

    If I could tell my 18 year old self what to wear, my life would have been a lot different. Thanks for sharing!

  4. courtney b says:

    this is the BEST kind of advice because being OLDER we don’t have teens to give us fashion info!

  5. denise low says:

    So very cute and stylish.

  6. lisa says:

    How funny because it’s so true. I look back at fashion choices I made at age 18 and cringe. We think that we look so good at the time!

  7. Megan says:

    This is amazing! And I would say most girls are guilty of so many of these…

  8. HA oh my gosh, hilarious! I basically lived in men’s sweatpants for the entire freshmen year when doing anything around my dorm room. What was up with that?!

  9. Leah says:

    So funny! TBH, you look really cute in the pictures, though! And I love the matching roomie outfits!

  10. Jackie says:

    AHHHHHHH I love this post!! #TBT for the win right here!!


    Something About That

  11. nicole s. says:

    these posts of yours are my very favorite. it’s like fashion buzzfeed. you’re the best.

  12. Mai T. says:

    Not to mention yet looking at old photos of clothing, I’m laughing at myself for those thoughts / actions when I was younger.

  13. puffybudder says:

    LOL, these are great pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Ashley Bree Perez says:

    Gorgeous !!!!!

  15. Amy Ann says:

    Too funny! All I can say is that I am thankful I am no longer 18. 🙂

    Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  16. Lisa Coomer Queen says:

    Love it! I can totally relate because I have a 19 year old daughter! Keep having fun and making memories!

  17. Hannah Avery says:

    WHat a funny post! You did a great job captioning them!

  18. md kennedy says:

    I am so glad pictures of me at 18!

  19. Ashley Bree Perez says:

    beautiful photos! 🙂

  20. Mia says:

    its fantastic as your other posts : D, thanks for posting .

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