4 embarrassing things I’ve done this past week

casual, day to night, neon, outfits, style

  1. Preeti says:

    LOVE that jacket!!

    xoxo, Preeti

  2. Clare says:

    You are not the only one. And it’s so good to laugh at yourself!

    I do stupid things like that all the time. The things I google, I amaze myself at how stupid I can be! (The worst is when auto fill tracks what I’ve googled…I’ve had to clear my cache a few times so the hubs wouldn’t catch me googling stupid things) you’re not alone. I’ve googled “what time is it in NYC?” when the sad part is, I live in the same time zone…

    But at least you look good in the photos!

    Understated Classics

  3. Rachel says:

    Very versatile jacket and I love your whole outfit and the other ways you styled it. I am sorry about your rough moments recently, those suck. I am visiting from Laura and Erin’s link up. I started hosting back up my own link up today and would love to have you link up sometime. I feature my favorite 5, have the link ups every Tuesday.
    Garay Treasures

  4. I love your jacket! So cute & fun! Sounds like we are having the same kind of week 😉

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  5. nicole s. says:

    i die over this jacket every time. i would have NOTHING to wear it with, but it looks effing perfect on you and with your whole closet. that’s a good purchase, girlfran!

    sorry, it’s been a loooooong week already. pls excuse.


  6. rachel says:

    OMG that jacket is AMAZING!

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