I’ll just pretend its spring


  1. I’m so done with the cold. I would have been like you, and totally just bared my legs for a shoot. But the sad thing is, it’s too cold that I can’t even think about going outside.
    The colors on that necklace are a good mental trick- spring is so close, yet so far! Love the pairing.

    Clare | Understated Classics

  2. Kallie says:

    OK I totally understand this. I’m so over coats and leggings and pants and SOCKS. UGHHH. But, I also hate being cold so I’m not as brave as you, haha. Love the bright necklace, too!

  3. Jan says:

    Oh my gosh, I love those boots!!!


  4. Kate Lately says:

    LOVE this outfit. That coat is amazing!! I wish it looked that spring like here. I’m wearing a coat in class…it’s that bad.


  5. Jackie says:

    Girl, you’re WAY more adventurous that I am. I wouldn’t dare rock the bare legs when it’s this cold. Oh the things we do for the sake of our blogs, right?

    Regardless of how you felt while shooting this post, I love the whole outfit!


    Something About That

  6. Martina says:

    what a great idea…freezing for fashion: I love it

  7. B.P. says:

    you are a sex-symbol… 😉

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