When to splurge & when to save

Splurge vs. Save

  1. kallie says:

    totally agree! I tend to splurge on an item if I know it’s something I’m going to wear a ton a get a lot of use out of. Then I bargain shop for more trendy items.

  2. Great breakdown! My favorite lower end stores are Target and Old Navy, middle range are Express and J. Crew, and high end are Calypso St. Barth and Kate Spade. So basically we love most of the same stores!
    I am amazed though at the selection offered at cheaper places- they really seem to have stepped up their game in regards to fit and quality.


  3. Alyssa says:

    I really like how you’ve broken this down! I’ve never really thought about it like that before. I’m definitely a save kinda gal. Thrift shops are where it’s at—literally probably 90% of my closet is thrifted. Or from clearance racks in more expensive places (Nordstrom, Macy’s, etc.) But it is nice to splurge on something (like that floral blazer you’ve got there… SO C U T E) once in awhile. 🙂

    xx Alyssa — fragments of memories

  4. Jackie says:

    This is a really great breakdown!

    I actually shop all over the map too, but it just depends on what the item is. Will I spend $150 on a sweater? Hmm…probably not. Will I spend $150 on shoes? Yes (and in fact, I’ll spend more).

    It really depends on what the item is, how much wear I’ll get out of it, etc. I like to save where I can (ex: NEVER pay full price at Gap), but I know when it’s okay to splurge (hand bags, shoes, etc).


    Something About That

  5. Niki says:

    Great tips! I usually follow a similar method, saving on trendy pieces and splurging on classics!

  6. I’m exactly the same way. I refuse to spend a lot of money on anything trendy. I’ll usually try to scoop up trendy things at H&M or Marshall’s. But things I wear everyday like jeans or outerwear are a different story.

  7. libys11 says:

    great saving tips!! 😀 thanks for sharing!

    Have a great week!
    Animated Confessions

  8. I’m OBSESSED with your floral blazer, what an amazing find!

    XO Courtney

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