5 ways to make Spinning more enjoyable

Fitness Friday

  1. Natalie Topalian says:

    Seriously hate when people talk during my class. #GETOUT #BYEEEEE

  2. nicole s. says:

    I’ve never taken spin (though of all the gym classes available, it’s the one i think i’d like the most!), but i think a lot of these are generally good life advice! come prepared, commit to the task at hand, be considerate of those around you, don’t compare yourself to others etc.

    you didn’t ask, but this post gave me a couple of ideas for posts i’d love to see from you! first, i just don’t know anything about spin or what it does for you, so i’d be interested in knowing that (is this something you’ve already posted?)! the other is that i for some reason have a hard time picturing you leading a class — i think because i’ve never heard you speak! i assume most bloggers are introverts/soft spoken, but it must take some chutzpah to lead a whole group of exercisers. i’d love to know what you’ve learned from/gotten out of leading classes!

  3. I’ve always wanted to to give spinning a second try but haven’t made the jump yet. I took a class in college and my instructor wasn’t as peppy as I’d hoped and I never went. My sister loves it though, and she’s not one who likes to exercise too much!


  4. Nikki says:

    I have never taken a spin class, but I am dying to try it! I know people love it! These are great tips.


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