Since I was traveling for 15 days, I decided to break the trips down into 3 parts, mainly so I don’t overload you with photos. Alie and I started our trip on May 16 – flying out of Detroit Airport nice & early (7:00am!) Our first stop was Orange County/Irvine, California, where we stayed with our friend Tyler for 3 days! While we were there we visited Laguna Beach, went out in Laguna, enjoyed his amazing apartment complex, hiked a beautiful trail, and ate a ton of yummy food (mainly guac). Here are some photos from the first few days…
Even the grass is cooler in Cali…Laguna Beach!
Mexican food with an ocean view… 🙂
Ghirardelli brownie bottom, with white cake, then frosting & chocolate on top. YUM!
Tuesday we flew from Orange County to Phoenix. Now, normally I am an extremely organized person, but I somehow managed to convince myself that our flight was at 4:20pm. So we showed up to the airport, checked in, and the guy looked at us like we were crazy then said “you know your flight was at 9:45 am, right?” …whoops! Luckily we hopped on the 5:30pm flight as stand by passengers & made it to Phoenix just fine. (I even made friends on the plane who gave me free drink tickets!) While in Phoenix we climbed Camelback Mountain, visited with our friend Garrett & went to Canyon Lake. It is so beautiful in person, the pictures don’t even do it justice!
So there you have it – a VERY abbreviated version of the first 5-6 days of our trip!
Thanks for following along!
The top of Camelback – overlooking Phoenix
I'm a life + success coach for humans like you who want the support to gain the clarity, confidence, and competence to become the most confident and successful version of yourself.