One thing you should know before visiting Santa Fe…


  1. Kristina says:

    Loving this tee/clutch combo, very pretty! I hadn’t heard that about Santa Fe either, good to know.

    Kristina does the Internets

  2. you look great! vibrant but tasteful, and i did NOT know that about santa fe. how interesting. and a good heads up, lol.

  3. My mom used to live in Santa Fe and that’s why she moved- it was way too slow paced for her! They do have a great artist community and Opera (so it depends on where you are) but overall I agree with you, haha.
    Love the outfit though, it really works with the look there!


  4. Woohoo! Thanks for the shoutout ladies!

    I’ve never been to Santa Fe, but I did visit Albuquerque once and it was the same thing! Not the most happenening place. I love that your outfit reflects the scenery, and that clutch is amazing!


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