5 things you may not know about me

5 things

  1. Loving the fun pattern on these shorts, and how do you not like mac and cheese!? I wish I disliked such tasty and unhealthy foods 😉


  2. Jackie says:

    You’re dressed a LOT better than I would have been on a road trip! I usually go for leggings and a tank top, but should probably “try” harder than that.

    Loving those shorts though and I can’t believe how inexpensive they were. SCORE!

    Something About That

  3. Abby says:

    I love your shorts and the turquoise ring is pretty too! Glad you get to do a bit of travel, looks like nice one too. I badly need a quick getaway too!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  4. Nikki says:

    I am claustrophobic too. In fact, I had a HUGE panic attack going up in the St. Louis arch. (Note- don’t do it). Also, I have never camped. I don’t ever plan on doing it either. Hope you had a fun trip!


  5. katie says:

    YAY! So happy to twin with ya! The shorts are SUPER cute – I never knew they made them before now. Will have to check them out :]

    xo katie // a touch of teal

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