5 tips for traveling to Paris


  1. Sarah says:

    I literally booked my first European trip today and its to London and Paris! My cousin lives in London and we are going to “swing down to Paris” as she put it, so I’m looking forward to any tips you want to share!

  2. Your photos are gorgeous- I’ve definitely been enjoying your Instagram 🙂

    xx Nina

  3. Kate Lately says:

    I totally agree with EVERY SINGLE ONE of these tips. I wish I had used my French more when I went, I had the chance but chickened out every time for fear that they would laugh. Ha!
    …next time I’ll do it for sure.

    So glad you had fun!


  4. Jackie says:

    I’ve been super jealous as I’ve seen your Insta pics recently. It looks like you’re having such a great time!

    Something About That

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