2015: Year in Review

2015 recap

  1. Jackie says:

    It really sounds like 2015 was a total whirlwind of the year, with some major emotional roller coasters. Being in your twenties is just…awkward, but that first year after graduating is kind of the worst! NO ONE knows what they’re doing…and heck – I’m in my late twenties and still figuring it out. Most of my friends are too!

    It’s all about enjoying your life, travelling and just laughing at the awkwardness, right?

    Happy New Year!

    Something About That

  2. Jennifer says:

    Looks like you had some fantastic adventures!!

  3. […] my 2015 year in review […]

  4. […] a whirlwind of a year in 2015 (read more about that here), I was finally starting to happily settle in 2016. Then, because goodness forbid I sit still, I […]

  5. […] as a person. I’m going to stop there, as I’ll be writing my year in review post soon (weirdly excited about it because I loved writing last years!). But I wanted to say thank you to all of you who read the blog, follow on social media, comment, […]

  6. […] I took the summer to go back and work at the country club I worked at all summer (I wrote about it HERE) and I had a blast. As I’ve written about many times, I struggle with corporate America. It’s […]

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