5 things no one tells you about moving across the country

5 things, adventures, personal, travel

  1. Jackie says:

    This was such a great post! I honestly can’t even imagine the logistics that go into moving across the country…but it seems like you’re doing a really great job of managing it all so far!

    Keep us posted on how everything goes <3

    Something About That

  2. You set the bar really high at a young age- knew you were destined to do GREAT things. Don’t give up, keep moving forward! These are really beautiful insights for anyone transitioning their lives- thank you.
    Wishing you all the best Miss Maddie!

  3. I didn’t even move across the country, I just moved about 8 hours south, from North Alabama to the panhandle of Florida. I had pretty much all of these issues (except the wanting to go back part…that never happened). I just found my local general physician, dentist, eye doctor all this past week. I’ve had a gyno in the area since right after I moved…I stay on top of those appointments, that’s for sure. I’m still looking for a hair place. I’ve tried a few, but not sure I’m attached to any yet like I was back home. We’ll see. Oh, and I CONSTANTLY get asked about my accent. Apparently North Alabama talks way different from Northwest Florida. LOL! Good post! Very relatable!

    • madelinewp says:

      Thanks girl! Any move, even just a few hours, is such an adventure! Luckily I saw all my doctors in Michigan before I moved to give myself some leeway time once I got here! Glad you could relate!

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