Revisiting a high school favorite


  1. Lizzie says:

    I am straight up copying this outfit. Way too cute.

  2. Jackie says:

    This is such a cute outfit! I had a similar skirt, and had to get rid of it because I lost weight and it fit me when I was bigger. I’m on the hunt to replace it and when I do, I will totally steal this outfit idea! 😉

    Something About That

  3. […] used this trick back in July when styling my lightweight camouflage jacket, except the leather was in the form of the skirt and […]

  4. […]  one / two / three / four / five / six […]

  5. […] July 18th  – Newport Beach, CA […]

  6. Bunny Blog says:

    Lidea 2015 Nautic Life Tunic

    […] rt-shorts with nautical style buttons up the front […]

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