3 tips for making mornings easier

fashion, weekend style

  1. Becca says:

    Love this post! And your outfit! I try to do the same things as you. Though i’m not nearly as consistent. I always choose watching TV over prepping the night before, and then I pay for it the next morning. I just need to commit!

    PS – please post the recipe for those pancakes!

  2. Jackie says:

    YESSSSS to these tips!! Honestly though, I couldn’t imagine packing a lunch in the morning. I’ve been doing that the night before my entire life, so I’m like…who has time for that in the morning?!

    Something About That

  3. LOVE those tips! I’m totally a planner and to-do list girl, as well! I use the app TickTick because I love keeping lists of to-dos and clicking them off once I’m done. 🙂 And those JEANS! I’m not a jeans girl, but I lovvvvve those!

  4. Emily says:

    I couldn’t agree more with these tips! I’d rather stay up late a few extra minutes at night to lay everything out for the next day than leave it for the next morning 🙂

    And cute jeans!!


  5. Brittney says:

    I manage to lay out my outfits for the first week of school or so, but by now I’m lucky to leave the house with matching socks. Love the painted jeans!

    Beauty V. Brains | fashion and beauty for smart girls who like stuff

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