5 Tips for Staying on Track during the Holidays

Christmas, fitness, health, health/fitness, holiday

  1. Emily says:

    These are such great tips…and love your workout style 🙂


  2. Sarah says:

    I second the eating a snack or small meal before an event. Saves me every time! I also think its important to just make the time for your workouts. It’s so easy to put them off this time of year – you’ll never regret getting a session in, though!

  3. Kate Lutes says:

    Love your tips! I’m super into heating up healthy things. Banana and peanut butter? Heated up it tastes like it should put on 10 lbs! I’m definitely adopting some of these during our holiday. Thanks!


  4. Nikki says:

    Such great tips! It is so hard to stay on track during the holidays – between all the delicious food and there being so much more to do! Also, I love that top!


  5. I couldn’t agree more on these. I’m actually really proud I’m not going crazy with food this holiday season. I’m not trying to be “good” and just knowing things balance out- and they are!!! Scheduling workouts with my trainer or as a way to catch up with my friends is key for that aspect. And rest- SO KEY!

  6. […] regards to staying on track during the holidays, I wrote this post, but today I want to focus on […]

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