Lessons learned in 2016 (+ goals for 2017)

2016 recap, goals, personal, Personal Growth

  1. alexie says:

    So chic, I love your blog

  2. katie says:

    Great point on the neck pillow! I can never sleep on planes and maybe buying one will be part of the solution! Love that your goals are travel-related. Those are the best kind!

    ​xx katie // a touch of teal

  3. Isabel says:

    I am following very much.

  4. […] on my goals I hope to hold myself accountable and inspire you to keep working toward yours.  I shared my goals here – not all my goals are measurable monthly, so I will touch on the ones that […]

  5. […] you missed my 2017 goals post you can see that HERE, and check out last month’s update […]

  6. […] on my goals I hope to hold myself accountable and inspire you to keep working toward yours.  I shared my goals here – not all my goals are measurable monthly, so I will touch on the ones that […]

  7. […] And just like that another month has flown by. The weather here is starting to feel like fall, and fingers crossed it stays for another 8 weeks (a girl can dream). At the beginning of every month I recap my goal progress from the previous month. Publicly sharing holds me more accountable and I believe has helped me stay on better track this year. You can check out my previous goal check ins:  January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August and my original post here. […]

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