“Where are you from?”

casual, fashion, Faux Leather, outfits, pattern mixing, style

  1. Kristina says:

    Lol, Montana is definitely NOT Midwest hahaha. There is definitely a Midwest accent, I never think I have much of one but people can always tell I’m from Chicago. I can usually hear Michigan accents which I find weirdly specific.

    Kristina does the Internets

  2. Charles Fox says:

    Hello Maddy, I have been reading your blog on and off, but these questions intrigued me enough to require a reply.
    I am not sure that Montana fits in the category “Midwest,” although I have heard people describe the Midwest as anyplace from Ohio to Nevada. Kinda hard to determine what it means. I think if you asked around, people would consider Illinois as the center of “the Midwest” which is kinda weird when you consider that Illinois is clearly in the Eastern Half of the United States. How can it be “west” anything? But if Illinois is the center of the Midwest, then Montana, which is pretty far east of the west coast, is still too far west to be considered part of any region in which Illinois is the center. Historically, anything west of the Mississippi is technically “West” so “Mid” west should be at least 1000 miles west of Illinois which is pretty much centered on the Mississippi except when it leans too far to the left, politically speaking.
    I can’t really judge how you pronounce your “A’s” from the way you write, but when I think of solid, non -accented, Main-stream-media-talking-head, American English, the mid-west is about as good as it gets. My folks were from Seattle, born in Nebraska and, interestingly, Montana, I grew up in Pennsylvania, and I sound just like the American talking heads. I have visited Ohio a bunch of times, and I can’t remember hearing any accents except as you get closer to West Virginia or Kentucky, where the Southern drawl stretches English into liquid gooey-ness.
    So, in the end, I have no answer, but I will reserve judgement until I hear you on the nightly news.

    Thanks for the fun blog.

  3. Liv says:

    Love all the pattern mixing!



  4. Jackie says:

    You totally do have an accent! I’m not sure what type of accent it is per say, but definitely. Then again, maybe I notice because I’m Canadian? (And I apparently have a bit of an accent?)

    Something About That

  5. Erin says:

    My college roommate was from southwest Ohio and she said her O’s like shorts A’s. For instance, the word “topping” came out like “tapping”. It was very different than anything I’d heard growing up in central Illinois.

  6. Nikki says:

    I am terrible at geography, so I have no idea if Montana is the Midwest, but I know it isn’t on the coast, so that is something, right? That is so funny people ask you that so much. I am southern, so everyone knows what part of the country I am from when I open my mouth… And I love that your Starbucks name is Ohio. My husband loves to give bizarre fake names at Starbucks … I should suggest Ohio!


  7. Annessa says:

    Too funny! You should just have a shirt made that says “I’m from Ohio” on it. hah! The same thing used to happen to me all the time when I moved to college in upstate NY from southern New Jersey… but somehow my accent kind of faded! I def think different regions have accents – I’m not sure where in Ohio you’re from, but I wonder if you have a similar accent to Rochester where I went to school. They say their “a’s” funny too!

    Also loving your outfit – those sneaker boots are so cute!


  8. Jess says:

    This opinion coming from an Ohioan, so take it for whatever it’s worth, but when I read what she said I thought what?! Montana and Ohio are nowhere close to each other so I don’t see the sense it makes for the accents to sound similar, but who knows! I’m not sure which part of the state you’re from, but I grew up in Northwest Ohio and when I went to college in Central Ohio most of my boyfriend’s friends were from the Southeast corner of the state and they constantly teased me about my accent. So much variation within our own state lines, maybe that’s why it seems impossible for me to think that Montana and Ohio could sound similar! 🙂

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