2017 Goals Check-In (+some real talk)

fashion, personal

  1. Becca says:

    I love love love the ideas/suggestions you have for whats going on in the world today. I can’t wait to try Re:act.

    As for goals…let’s just say I stopped my new year’s resolutions after a week (insert eye-roll). But I’ve come up with some other ones!

    Lastly, I love your outfit. Yellow + blue is dreamy. And I want those flats!

  2. Love this outfit! Perfect mix of colors. I appreciate the mature way you have chosen to express your views and feelings about what is going on in the country.

  3. Nikki says:

    Oh I can’t even with the state of things now … I have never been a political person but I have been doing so much reading lately. It is scary.

    Anyway, you sound like you are doing really well on your goals!! I didn’t set many goals for the year – mostly fitness related – so far so good!

    Love that yellow sweater and THOSE SHOES!!


  4. […] If you missed my 2017 goals post you can see that HERE, and check out last month’s update HERE! […]

  5. […] you missed my other updates then check out the January update HERE,  the February update HERE and the March update […]

  6. […] If you’re new to the game here you can check out my previous updates from 2017 so far: January / February / March / April and my original post […]

  7. […] trying!) If you’re new to the game here you can check out my previous updates from 2017 so far: January / February / March / April / May and my original […]

  8. […] January  // February // March  // April //  May //  June  […]

  9. […] it now. Read below for August’s progress and you can check out my previous goal check ins:  January / February / March / April / May / June / July and my original […]

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