Explore: San Francisco


  1. Nikki says:

    What a fun trip! I went to San Fran once when I was about 11, but I don’t remember it very well. I would love to go back some day! And I love that yellow top on you!


  2. Lovvvvve San Francisco! I have SF “stuff” all over my apartment and office, even though I haven’t been there in years. That yellow shirt looks bomb on you, by the way! Yellow is NOT my color, but I love the neckline on it!

  3. Liv says:

    What a beautiful city. I need to visit ASAP!



  4. Inez says:

    OMG! Those earrings! I want! So cute.

    Inez | My Small World

  5. […] Gingham in STL /// Mustard Blouse in SF /// Lazy Gal’s Guide to Fall /// My […]

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