2017 Goals Check In

2017, goals, personal, Personal Growth

  1. Love these goals! I resonate with so many of them. The workout / macro train can be HARD but it looks like you did well this week! And finding a career that you’re passionate about is so important. I’m working on that, too 🙂

    • madelinewp says:

      the macro train is definitely hard. Or really just the “staying committed to good eating and fitness train” hahaha. But i love it, and I feel good when I do stay on track, which is oftentimes my biggest motivation.

  2. Corinne says:

    Only more West Coast adventures to come!! xoxo

  3. Sarah says:

    I’m filling you on figuring out what you WANT and all that jazz. I’m in the middle of that very thing right now. Do I want to stay where I am? Move? Buy a business? Change careers? All the things!

  4. Nikki says:

    Sounds like you are doing great on your goals! I am super jealous of all of your travel. As for what you want… I firmly believe that no one knows what they want to do. I certainly don’t. So I have decided it is everyone to make myself feel better.

    • madelinewp says:

      thanks girl! and as for the travel – you just have to make it happen, even if its only a weekend trip 🙂
      I’m happy to know I’m not alone in my struggle

  5. Annessa says:

    First off – I can’t believe it’s March either! Time flew by! It sounds like you’re killing it with your goals – I so would love to start taking yoga as well. I tried once here but it’s super awkward in another language… and in our apartment my dog takes it as an invitation to climb on my face. whomp. Love your outfit here. The all black is so chic and I’m obsessed with your bag!


    • madelinewp says:

      working out at home with dogs is SO HARD haha. So I totally get that. And I can’t imagine yoga in another language – I’m sure I’d be the one in the back of the class laughing! xo

  6. Leah says:

    Good job on tracking your goals! That’s the hardest part!

    xx Leah / http://www.eatpraywearlove.com

  7. […] you missed my other updates then check out the January update HERE,  the February update HERE and the March update […]

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  10. […] below for August’s progress and you can check out my previous goal check ins:  January / February / March / April / May / June / July and my original […]

  11. […] me stay on better track this year. You can check out my previous goal check ins:  January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August and my original […]

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