“It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living”


  1. Nikki says:

    What a great post! I am going to be 100% honest – my husband is an attorney and a lot of times I feel a little less important because I am not something like that. I am a graphic designer. He doesn’t make me feel that way. It is just internal. That may sound stupid, but it is true. So I totally relate to this post!


    • madelinewp says:

      I completely understand what you mean, and I think how our society views jobs can lead to that self-inflicted internal insecurity. I’m hoping the tides start changing with that, even just slightly.
      And graphic designer sounds way more enjoyable than an attorney to me 🙂

  2. i’m often told that being in the social work realm means i know that i won’t ever make much money. to me, that is something that has to change. why should people doing such important work understand that they won’t be making real money. how insane. can’t that change? can’t the shift happen where instead of an understanding that thank god my husband’s an engineer or else i’d barely make ends meet shift to wow, that’s important, and therefore worth a lot more?!


    i met someone at a wedding a while back who said to me “so what do you do when you aren’t working?” what a wonderful conversation starter, and more accurate a reflection of me than my job!

    • madelinewp says:

      first off – I love that way to start a conversation!
      Secondly, things do need to change – we can’t keep requiring students to go into debt for a degree where we don’t pay them enough to pay off that debt. Especially since they are HELPING PEOPLE.

  3. This is so true! Once I realized that it didn’t matter what I did or what my title was or what company I worked for, I was able to really focus on starting my own gig. Now, I’m not there yet, but it’s easier to give that all up when you realize it DOESN’T matter!

    I am excited for future conversations with people from my hometown when I tell them I work for myself (SOOOOOOON) and they’re like, “but really … what’s your title?” <— It'll be fun. 😉

  4. Madame X says:

    Beautiful quote. What we do indeed doesn’t define us. What’s important is that we don’t do any bad things and our heart. Love your skirt!

    Madame X
    The Flower Duet

  5. Ann Yip says:

    I totally agree with this post! 100%


  6. Alyssa says:

    Great post! I hate when people judge other people because of their chosen jobs. For me, as long as it’s not illegal or taking other people, why the f*** do they care? Anyway, I love your look especially your shoes 🙂


  7. Sarah says:

    I love this, but especially this part:

    So often I get asked what I do and truth be told, I hate talking about it. I would much rather say I teach workout classes and run a blog than talk about my marketing degree, or the current job I have.

    SAME. In fact, now, I catch myself saying “I teach barre and write. Oh, and I’m in marketing by day.” Honestly, I identify more with my coaching and my writing gigs than I do with my marketing job. I like it well enough. I’m good at it. But I know its the job that “pays the bills” while I grow the other “things” to a point that they will pay the bills. 🙂

  8. Jackie says:

    This is such a great post! In the last 10-15 years, I’ve had all sorts of job titles too. I think I’ve always let them define me, so there’s been times where I’ve been a bit embarrassed about my titles. It’s definitely silly, when you think about it.

    Anyhow – I will be sharing this post in my reads, eats and buys this week because I think it’s a great read! 🙂

    Something About That

  9. […] It Doesn’t Interest Me What You Do For a Living – Somehow, I’ve always felt defined by my job title. […]

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