1. chelsea w says:

    Sorry you were sick! Eek. I love this outfit and the vintage vibe it’s putting off. Awesome!

  2. Lyddiegal says:

    Oh no! That sounds like the worst way to spend the week, especially when you’ve got visitors and plans. But i will agree, there is no one in the world who will take better care of you than your mom.

    Chic on the Cheap

  3. Sarah says:

    Sorry you were sick!! Teaching a fitness class sick is the worst, too. I had the flu the week after Christmas… We normally have 10 instructors, – 3 of us were still in town, 2 of us had the flew, and the other had a brand new puppy AND a brand new husband. It’s a wonder we didn’t get the entire town of Charlottesville sick.

  4. Nikki says:

    Glad you are feeling better. It takes SO long to recover from things like the stomach flu. I had food poisoning over the summer and it took me over a week to fully recover. Also, I am 30 and I still feel better when I am sick and my mom comes to take care of me. I don’t think that will ever change. Hope you are 100% soon!


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