Online vs. Real Life Personas


  1. Nikki says:

    Great post! I try really hard to be myself on my blog and on social media … but, you know, a little more put together and a little less crazy. Sometimes I can be a hot mess. I just try to be honest. But I also try not to overshare… like “Hey my husband and I got in a huge fight and my house looks like a bomb went off in it” (even though this is sometimes the case).


    • madelinewp says:

      Yes, I think there is a definitely a fine line there – I’m going to be myself but I’m also not going to post pictures of my dirty house or what I looked like with the flu haha. I think honest (but keeping relationships + family matters private) often works well!

  2. Sarah says:

    I try to be myself on social media – no themed Instagram over here – but I’m guilty of trying to get the best photo, or feeling so jealous of someone’s trip or engagement or whatever. I’ve been trying to stay off social media a little more these days outside of the office. It’s been the best thing!

    • madelinewp says:

      Yes, I was off a good amount this weekend and wasn’t mad about it. Its hard because I want to grow my blog and presence, and social media is a necessity, but it also leads me to buy more things and envy more people.

  3. Shivangi says:

    This post is very well written!! Couldn’t agree more! It is indeed very stressful! =(
    But you look so pretty here Maddy!! Love the bow! It’s so cute!! <3 Have a great day!!

    Lots of Love,

  4. Amy says:

    I think it is natural to only put the best part of yourself online. I don’t know that I consider it fake. I just sort of expect it of people. I know for myself I don’t want to post the bad things. I definitely try to share the real on my blog and post funny status updates when I do something stupid like we all do, but I try to keep in mind social media is a highlight reel. I do sometimes struggle with the persona I put out there. I am kind of a private/introvert type and feel a little awkward sometimes. Funny seeing as I am a blogger. Anyway, sorry for the paragraph. Not sure you really wanted a book of my thoughts. Ha! I love your outfit. Those shoes are amazing.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  5. monica sors says:

    You are right in a lot of things!!!But we are trying to be the best.
    Love the outfit, so cute!!!

    Mónica Sors

  6. Elise says:

    You are so right about social media! Great post, I love every piece!

    xx, Elise

  7. katie says:

    Such a cute look on you! Love those shoes. And I completely agree about social media — it’s hard not to compare ourselves to someone else’s highlight reel.

    xx katie // a touch of teal

  8. Aidan Brogan says:

    Hey do u know that this big bow that u wore about 1 year ago is currently a trend? Awesome!
    Men’s Style

  9. I’m in love with your pink jacket and bow!
    The Wallet Review

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