One thing I miss about high school…


  1. Yes!! I miss high school dances so much, specifically for the fun dresses and getting all dolled up. 🙂 I think that dress would be great for a wedding – I like how fun it is. And those shoes … yes.

  2. chelsea w says:

    This is so whimsical and fun; I love it! I think it’s great for a wedding, too!

  3. Oh my gosh, I’ve been debating on getting this dress. You look gorgeous in it!!

  4. I love your embellished dress and lovely shoes! This is such a great outfit 🙂

  5. Nicole says:

    This is such a fun dress! I think it would be great for a wedding depending on the dress code. I also wish that Asos and Rent the Runway were around in high school. I would have been so much better dressed!


  6. Nikki says:

    That dress is adorable on you! I love it. I miss getting all dressed up too. I didn’t do a sorority in college either, so my days of formal dresses ended in high school.


  7. This dress and it’s floral details are freaking amazing! So sad it’s sold out! Love it on you, though.

    xo jenlax |

  8. Kate says:

    I love this dress…and as soon as you suggested Easter, I was like YES!!

    Looking back, I wish I had taken prom dress picking more seriously. I only got to do it once as homecoming isn’t a thing where I live…oh well. Wedding dress shopping will happen someday…right?

    As usual, you look amazing!

  9. Amy says:

    I miss that too! This is the cutest dress! I love the color and embellishment.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

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