One huge announcement (+ upcoming life changes)

life updates, personal, summer

  1. jodie says:

    Good for you Maddy.
    It’s never a failure to do what is best for you, and once you get old like me, you’ll realize that life is way too short to stay where it’s not good for you!!
    I think it’s great that you are moving back!!

  2. So excited for you!! This resonates with me SO much. It’s crazy how much a job you hate attacks every other part of your life. It’s not worth it! Let me know when you visit Chicago 🙂

  3. Sarah T says:

    Definitely not a failure at all. As you said, you tried it for a year and it sounds like the experience as a whole wasn’t a bad one, just not the right fit. Sometimes you have to experience that to know what is right and I do think you might’ve regretted it if you hadn’t at least tried. Now you know! Hoping you’re able to figure out exactly what is you want to do and that you excel at it!

  4. yay, i think that’s great for you. why would you want to stay somewhere you don’t like or work somewhere that makes you on unhappy b/c of what somebody else would think. i think it’s awesome that you tried it for a year, and you learned you didn’t like it. if you never left, you would always wonder. i am struggling with my job…i used to love it. i do important work for little pay, but i am good at and loved my job. this last year we had a new exec director, and she’s made the workplace horrible. my coworkers have anxiety, depression, fear, headaches, stomachaches, cry, etc over the thought of having to come in after the weekend or a holiday, when we used to all enjoy our office and the work we did. it’s just a really tough place to be, and like you said, it absolutely impacts other aspects of your life. super happy for you!

  5. Diana says:

    Good for you but a question that keeps coming up and you never explain… WHO the heck is “we”????
    Good luck with the move!

  6. Jackie says:

    While I’ve never moved away (And can’t imagine moving SO far), your story resonates with me a lot. I know how it feels to be miserable in a job, but not knowing what to do instead. It sounds like you’re making the right decision and you are not at all a failure. A year away is a LONG time, so it’s not like you didn’t give it a fair shot.

    And – YAY FOR BEING DONE!!! I’m sure you’ll be celebrating that one tonight!

    Something About That

  7. Lisa says:

    I love your insight Maddy, your young, what a great time to try new things and learn more about yourself. You were raised by great parents, surrounded by positive people, and loved by so many. I know all of these things are part of who you are! Stay humble and true to who you are kid, you’ll end up where your suppose to be, I promise. Stay safe in your travels?

  8. Kristina says:

    Hey girl, I just wanted to say good for you! There’s no reason to stay with a job that you hate. Find something (and someplace) you love.

  9. Nicole says:

    Definitely not a failure, You guys tried something and now you are just readjusting the plan. I took 4 months off between jobs to travel and recharge and I don’t regret it at all. Life is too short to work somewhere you hate and it totally can infect the rest of your life. You can always find another job. Congrats on being done with it!! And your road trip sounds like a lot of fun and the perfect way to celebrate a change!

    Nicole to the Nines

  10. […] you so much for everyone’s kind words from Friday’s post (if you have no idea what I’m talking about then read this). I received numerous texts, direct messages and comments and they all made me smile (and probably […]

  11. Sarah says:

    When I moved back to Charlottesville from Nashville, I had that same “Am I a failure?” fear – What would my family say? Then, I just decided I didn’t care – I was doign what I knew deep down I needed to do.

    So basically, it’ll all work out just fine for you, even if it gets messy for a bit! Congratulations on putting yourself and the things you value most first!

    • madelinewp says:

      Thanks so much Sarah! I know that its right for me, no matter what people say. But truly, since telling people, I have received the kindest, most positive feedback 🙂

  12. Aw, that’s so exciting you’re coming back to Michigan! Absolutely zero failure associated with that; you had a new and exciting experience for a year… and who knows what the future holds for you! xo

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