2017 Goals Monthly Check-In

adventures, casual, fashion, goals, lifestyle, personal

  1. Kate says:

    That outfit is ADORABLE…and thanks again for your help today!
    My blog looks better because of you! <3


  2. Nice job on your goals! We definitely are so similar – read pretty much the same books! 🙂 I like your travel goals. I feel like traveling is always one of those “someday” goals for me and I really just need to start going!

    • madelinewp says:

      I know what you mean, but just make it happen…even if you don’t quite have enough money saved, or its not the *best* weekend. Now that you’re living in Chicago you have great airport hubs to fly out of!

  3. Nikki says:

    Oh no! I hate that you hated yoga!! What kind of yoga were you doing? That is really important. I teach / practice vinyasa, which is a flowy yoga. You would probably like heated, “power” vinyasa classes – they are more intense, you sweat a lot, definitely a challenge. I play fun, upbeat music, which really makes a difference too. See if there is a CorePower yoga near you. I’ve never been, but my yoga mentor did her training through them and they are supposed to be great. (I think they are pretty much everywhere but in the South). The type of class, the teacher, the atmosphere – it makes all the difference in the world.

    Even though you had the nasty stomach flu, it seems like you still had a pretty good month! And April is going to be so much better for both of us. I can feel it!


    • madelinewp says:

      I’m actually a big fan of hot yoga, and really yoga in general, but this studio I went to by my house was MISERABLE. they packed 45 of us in a room and we had no space between our mat and our neighbors, the instructor spoke very fast and it was the furthest thing from soothing, and it was the hottest hot yoga I’ve ever been to…I left more stressed out and with a headache.
      I’m sure it was just the studio style that I didn’t like because I spoke with some of my SPIN students and they didn’t have good experiences there either. I’ll be going back to my normal hot yoga place in grand rapids this summer 🙂

  4. […] new to the game here you can check out my previous updates from 2017 so far: January / February / March / April and my original post […]

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