Random Question: Do you make your bed?


  1. Kristina says:

    I aspire to be someone who makes her bed daily, but I probably only manage it a couple of times a month 😉

    Kristina does the Internets

  2. Sarah says:

    I make my bed FIRST THING every single day. I didn’t always. My parents didn’t enforce it either, and we had the same attitude in college. But when I moved into my first place, I started to really care about how it looked and then I realized I felt better when my bed was made – like I had accomplished something.

    Even when I wake up at 5am for 6AM training sessions, I make my bed. That usually involves moving the dog and making it around him. 🙂

    God speed on the packing!

  3. Jackie says:

    I ALWAYS make my bed in the morning. It was something I had to do when I was growing up, and it’s a habit that has always stuck with me. It just…bothers me to leave it messy!

    Something About That

  4. Lizzie says:

    I started making my bed after moving to California!!! Crazy.

  5. Love the outfit, as always! 🙂 I do make my bed, most of the time. Though secretly I hope Ben is going to stay in bed a bit longer so he’ll do it for me hahah! It just makes me feel like my life is put together for some reason, though I hate the actual act of doing it.

  6. […] I’m a horrible thrift shopper. I don’t usually have enough patience, the smell inside the store gets to me, and over my years of trying to become a thrift shopper, I’ve purchased numerous pieces that I’ve worn once or not at all. After coming to the realization I get more bang for my buck by purchasing new items, I’ve almost completely stopped thrifting. I do still use Poshmark here and there, or if an item I wanted has sold out I will try to find it secondhand. (Or sometimes I decide I love a pattern from last season J.Crew…that’s what happened with this top). […]

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