48 Hours in Santa Barbara, California


  1. Nikki says:

    Sounds like you had a great time! Your pictures are gorgeous!


  2. I haven’t been to SB, but it looks gorgeous. So beautiful, bright and fun! I’ve been to Santa Monica, LA, Malibu and San Francisco … Ben and I are hoping to take a trip to San Diego in September if money/allows. If we change our mind to Santa Barbara, I’ll keep this in mind!

  3. Lisa says:

    Maddy, Dawn Patrol was PJ Fretti’s favorite restaurant while in Santa Barbara!!! We loved shopping on State St, and walking at East Beach. Sounds, like you two did a great job finding the hot spots. .There is a wine district, that the young professionals frequent! Next time you guys can check it out. I walked with your mamma this morning, she is soooo excited to have you closer to home! Be safe while traveling home kid, Love ya

  4. Lovely photos, and this looks like such a fun city! I definitely need to get out to CA soon!

  5. […] We shot this outfit in front of the lagoon of our hotel in Santa Barbara that I mentioned Monday. I’m loving the contrast of the leaves with my darker […]

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