3 years later and I’m finally pursuing my dream


  1. Kate Lately says:


    As a fellow entrepreneur – it’s a crazy world and I think that crazy dreams are the way to go! If you ever need PR help…you know where to find me! 🙂

    I can’t wait to hear all about your styling journeys…and maybe get your help shopping one day!

    Kate Lately | Fashion + Lifestyle Blog

  2. YAYAY this is so exciting! I’ll definitely be using Elevate at some point! You’ll be so good at it!

  3. Amy says:

    Yay! You know at some point I am going to have to drag you back to Cali and help me hahaa

  4. Jennifer says:

    Way to go babe ? I can’t help but feel like I can completely relate. Was thinking of the same business plan and figured I’ll express myself thru a blog first…
    You’re an inspiration to me, Go for what you want! I’m currently working on the blog & cant wait to launch next month. Been hesitant as I’m scared of failure but ull never fail until you try. Wishing u much success.
    Website: lifestyledauquotidien.com (in the works)

  5. Alaina says:


    I’m seriously into this. Would you be willing to head up to Detroit?


  6. Laura says:

    So freaking excited for you, girl! This is definitely the start of something major for you. You should feel proud! Looking forward to see things take off and follow your journey. Way to go on taking the plunge and doing what you love! That’s so important.

  7. Denise says:

    Congrats and that is seriously so amazing! Love that you were able to start it on your own and so young!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

  8. Jackie says:

    That is SO exciting!!! Congratulations!! I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job and I can’t wait to see your success! Safe travels home!

    Something About That

  9. Sarah says:

    So exciting!

    And should you decide you do any of this virtually… Let me know. I am STRUGGLING with wardrobe after getting in shape. Nothing seems to fit right and I have no clue as to what sort of personal style I’m going after. I have a whole psychological theory behind it.

    Yay for new businesses!

  10. Nermisa says:

    This is so exciting!!! Congratulations, I am so so very happy for you and wish you best of luck with Elevate.

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