5 questions to ask yourself before making a big move

fashion, lifestyle, style, summer

  1. These are awesome questions to ask yourself and I totally agree. Moving to Chicago was crazy for me, but it wasn’t THAT much of a culture shock. I wish I would’ve paid more attention to the job questions, though – especially commute. To me in Wisconsin, a 30-mile commute meant ~30 minutes. In Chicago, that means 1-2 hours in stopped traffic with no way out. PLUS going to a job that you hate after sitting in traffic for 2 hours is just a no-go. Another thing I didn’t think about was commuting costs once in the city. I knew it’d be so much easier to get around here, but I didn’t even think about how MUCH Uber/Lyft would cost and I just kept using it until I realized it was like a whole other car payment. I’m still so glad I moved, but I’m glad I’m finally starting to get the hang of figuring it all out! Though the $150+/month for a gym membership is still hard to swallow … But the new job helps, too. 🙂

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