Life Lately

fashion, life updates

  1. Sarah says:

    Glad you’re settling in! I’m so guilty of the same with pushing my workouts when I can… “I’ll go to barre at noon… 4:30… 5:30…”

  2. Nikki says:

    Sounds like things are going well (except being sick). It is hard to get into a new routine, but it sounds like you are starting to settle in a bit. And I hope you feel better soon!


  3. Annessa says:

    First off – love that polka dot jumpsuit – it’s so cute with those earrings! I totally get what you mean with creating a schedule and sticking to it. Every time we move I find myself in the same situation just moseying around for the first few weeks. I think it’s good to take a break sometimes, but a routine helps so much. It sounds like everything is going well though!


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