personal essay: on “having it all together”

fashion, real life

  1. Jackie says:

    That’s a reminder that I need all the time. I definitely don’t feel like I have my life together, but I really don’t think anyone does!

    Cute outfit by the way 😉

    Jackie at Something About That

  2. Sarah says:

    I remember my mom’s old boss asking me to meet with her just out of college daughter because I “had it all together” and she wanted her to pick my brain. I thought that was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.

    Now, at 30, I’ve accepted that I’m pretty good at making it LOOK like I’ve got it all together. I’m actually a hot mess and have no idea what I’m doing with my life. But you’re right – someone things I do!

  3. Alie says:

    Needed this today.

  4. Annessa says:

    First off, loving this outfit. The orange is so fun and I’m loving the retro vibe – you look so cute!

    And omg SAME to everything else. I get similar comments from people and I’m always like ?????? I still feel like I have no idea what’s going on in my life and have a seasonal job as well with no idea if I’ll be living in the US or Europe or wherever in a few months. Def not how I pictured “adulthood.” It’s so stressfull. But I love your view on having everything else together. It’s so important to remind yourself of the things you do have. Everything eventually comes together!


  5. Nikki says:

    It is my personal belief that NO ONE has it all together. I don’t care how things seem, and maybe they act like it, but no one has it together. And that is OK. I certainly don’t. In fact, it is impossible because life is always throwing your curve balls.

    Also, love this retro look!


  6. Chloe says:

    As someone who never feels like I’ve got it together, this was a really refreshing read!

    I also love that outfit, this colours really suit you 🙂 x

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