choosing mental health over money

fashion, personal, personal essay

  1. Sarah says:

    I love this so much. Because its true – happiness is so much more important. I’m in the midst of figuring out my next life step, too. I have an idea, but it’s a matter of putting the pieces in place. One piece at a time…

    I also loved how you said things always work out – they definitely do. Time and time again I’ve seen that in my life. If I just let go and trust it will be okay, it always is in the end.

  2. Kate says:

    This is perfection. I just left a job that stressed me out and was blessed enough to find one I am happy to go to everyday. Even if it’s going to end sooner than I would like, due to grants, I work on the water and I get to enjoy everything this island has to offer. Happiness is so important. If we’re not making ourselves happy, what is the point?

    K A T E L A T E L Y

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