Monthly Goal Check In

fashion, goals

  1. Kate says:

    Love the outfit!
    I think this month I really need to work on budgeting so I’m not always stressing about money 🙂

    K A T E L A T E L Y

  2. Sarah says:

    I struggle with Yoga too. I know I should go a couple of times a week to help with my lifting and barre programming, but I just get so BORED in class. I’ve also decided I’m not “peaceful” enough for yoga. 🙂

    • madelinewp says:

      seriously. I don’t consider it a “real” workout so I always prioritize my other workouts over it (ugh!). I’m going to really really really try to get to a class this weekend haha.

  3. Ashley says:

    You are chuggin’ right along on those goals! And I love this outfit- the print mix is perfect!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  4. Nikki says:

    Ohh I saw that top and wanted it so bad it was sold out! It is so cute. Sounds like you had a pretty good month!


  5. Girl, you look so amazing! And I love that your outtake is like one of my best photos. Hahaha. You’re too cute. I loved reading about your goals! xo

  6. Laura says:

    You are the cutest! When I think of girls who pattern mix like PROS, I think of you.
    Keep tackling those goals, woman! You got this.

  7. […] check out my previous goal check ins:  January / February / March / April / May / June / July and my original […]

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